Affordable training courses throughout Devon in swim teaching, first aid, mental health, safeguarding, lifesaving and education. Our tutors can travel and run courses in your venue, school or work setting. Private courses are available on enquiry. Please Contact Us for more information on how to book your course today.
Upcoming First Aid Courses
Our Training company has changed to SMART Training & Education and is now based at SMART Swim Centre. Still run by Lisa and Charlotte. Please contact Charlotte on charlotte@smartswimcentre.co.uk for details.
Swimming Teacher Courses
STA Aquatic Helper
A course to provide preliminary training in the skills of teaching swimming for 13 - 17 year olds. In house on the job training, continous assessment and portfolio to complete. For Student Teacher job opportunities please Contact Us.
STA Safety Award for Teachers - SAT
A course that enables the learner to act as a rescuer, trained in pool rescue, adult, child and infant CPR techniques competent to deal with poolside emergencies. A prerequisite lifesaving qualification for all STA Swimming Teacher courses. Minimum age is 14. Click here for course qualification specification
STA Swimming Teacher Award
STA Level 2 Award in Swimming Teaching enables 16 year olds plus to teach up to 10 beginners or work as an assistant with larger classes. It also enables the learner to teach advanced skills under the supervision of a STA certificate qualified swimming teacher. Click here for course qualification specification
STA Swimming Teacher Certificate
STA Level 2 Certificate in Swimming Teaching is the follow on course from the STA Level 2 Award in Swimming Teaching and enables the learner to teach pupils of all levels without supervision. Minimum age is 17 years and must hold the Award qualification. Click here for course qualification specification
STA Baby & Pre-School Swim Teacher (BPS)
A stand-alone course to train individuals in the special skills required when introducing babies and very young children to aquatic activities. Minimum age is 18 years. Click here for course qualification specification
STA People with Disabilities
The STA Level 2 Award in Aquatic Teaching - People with Disabilites enables the candidate to teach aquatic activities to indivduals and groups with most types of disabilities. Minimum age is 18 years. Click here for course qualification specification
First Aid Training
Emergency First Aid at Work
Qualification enabling learners to be able to act as an appointed person to take charge of first aid arrangements, including looking after equipment and calling the Emergency Medical Services when required. Candidates must be 16 years or older. A 6 hour, 1 day course and lasts for 3 years. QCF Level 2. Click here for course qualification specification
First Aid at Work
Qualification enables learners to develop the skills and knowledge required to deal with a range of first aid incidents including: basic life support, anaphylaxis, head and spinal injuries, asthma, bleeds and much more. Candidates must be 16 years or older. A 18 hour, 3 day course and lasts for 3 years. QCF Level 3. Click here for course qualification specification
Emergency Paediatric First Aid Award
Qualification aiming to give learners the knowledge and
practical competencies required to deal with a range of paediatric first aid situations. Includes training on adult, child and infant resuscitation, firs aid boxes and recording of accidents and incidents. Meets requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Candidates must be 16 years or older. A 6 hour, 1 day course and lasts for 2 years. Click here for course qualification specification
Paediatric First Aid Award
Qualification enables learners with the skills, knowledge, understanding and ability to deal with emergency situations. Includes first aid and resuscitation procedures for child and infant casualties along with recognition and management in childhood medical conditions. Meets requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Candidates must be 16 years or older. A 12 hour, 3 day course and lasts for 3 years. Click here for course qualification specification
Qualification providing learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify casualties suffering from cardiac arrest, competently deliver life saving CPR and deliver the safe application of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Candidates must be 16 years or older. A 4 hours course, half a day and lasts for 2 years. Click here for course qualification specification
CPR and Anaphylaxis
Qualification enabling learners to deliver safe application of an adrenaline auto-injector unit. Includes training on emergency basic life support, CPR and first aid to casualties suffering from anaphylactic shock. Candidates must be 16 years or older. A 4 hour, half a day course and lasts for 2 years. Click here for course qualification specification
Other Courses
STA Safeguarding
The STA Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults Online Learning Programme is aimed at learners who require knowledge and understanding in this subject. Click here to access STA and to register for this course online
Level 3 Award in Education and Training
The Level 3 Award in Education and Training is an introductory teaching qualification, with no requirement to practice, which makes it ideal for those that aspire to become teachers / trainers, or those who have only just started in the profession. The role of a teacher / trainer in the education and training sector is a varied one. It involves planning, delivering and evaluating sessions that meet the needs of the learners and the requirements of the course. It includes record keeping and giving feedback. Click here to see the course specification.
Continued Professional Development
CPDs (Continuing Professional Development) can be written to suit the individual’s training needs such as Stroke Development or Diving for example. Please Contact Us to discuss your requirements in detail.
Level 4 Award in Internal Quality Assurance
An Internal Quality Assurer (IQA) is responsible for maintaining the quality of assessment within a training organisation or centre. The role will involve observing training and assessing practice and giving constructive feedback with meticulous record keeping. The role requires the IQA to provide support, training and standardisation for tutors and assessors along with liaising with External Quality Assurers to ensure that a consistent standard is maintained and that assessments are conducted and assessment decisions are made in line with Awarding Organisation requirements. Click here to see the course specification.