Affiliation Schemes
Aquarius Swimschool believes in supporting other businesses that help with their swimmers development or supporting businesses that are run by our Swimschool parents themselves.
Below you will find many businesses that Aquairus Swimschool works with and supports. Affiliations and connections have been made to help advertise these companies to our parents, as well as giving something back to our families through discounts.
Lessons for children are taught using the STA Awards Scheme. This is an all-inclusive programme which takes the non-swimmer from his or her first splash to developing confidence and competence in the water. The scheme emphasis is on learning through fun, developing their fundamental multi-aquatic skills. Teachers will teacher non-swimmers and early beginners in the water and class ratios are low with no more than eight in a class with an assistant who will also be in the water.
Mermaid Tails and Mono Fins
Babies can start swimming with us from birth as per NHS guidelines although we recommend after 6 weeks as a good starting point. Our babies will follow the STA Starfish Series wth support from a parent in the water. Around the age of three, they will then continue onto the STA STAnley Series, where the children are encouraged to swim without a parent in the water. Our teachers are also qualified in Aqua Sensory and this will form part of our lessons ensuring that we meet the needs of the 'whole' child.
How to advertise your product or service?
If you run your business and have a product or service that you would like to advertise through our affiliate page, please contact us with your business name, proudct or service that you wish to promote, along with your suggested discount to our Swimschool families. Our Head Office will decide if this product or service is suitable for advertisement within our Swimschool and will contact you for further details.